
“Bridging the Gap,

Coding the Future”

Hi and welcome to AthenaCodes! A platform for resources, support, and inspiration for women in tech.

Scholarship Resources

Education holds the power to transform lives, and financial support can sometimes make all the difference. With this in mind, I've organized a selection of scholarships in three categories: general, specifically for women, and for people of color. This section is devoted to helping you find the support you need to fuel your tech education.

Learning Resources

In this section, you'll find a wide variety of resources compiled to help enhance your understanding of computer science. From the basics for beginners to complex topics for advanced learners, it aims to support your coding journey and aid in your continuous growth.

Internship Resources

Explore the Internship Resources page for a variety of valuable resources. This area serves as a beacon of opportunities, lighting up various paths you can take in your tech career, while also having support for preparing for interviews, applications, etc.

With AthenaCodes, my hope is that every woman will find the support, resources, and confidence they need to excel.

Spotlight Stories

In the Spotlight Stories section, I’m showcasing inspirational women in tech who have broken barriers, made change, and proven that success in this field knows no gender or background.

Member Space

Further your journey by joining the AthenaCodes Member Space! Track the scholarships and internships you've applied to, nominate an inspiring woman for the Spotlight Stories, leave detailed feedback, and more.

Contact Me

If you have any questions, ideas, or simply want to get in touch, feel free to reach out using the Contact page or on my LinkedIn. I highly value feedback and would love to connect with you.

- Hamidat :)